Friday, March 6, 2015

Breaking News from the Bryants

Change is in the air

The last 6 months have been quite a roller coaster of a time for us.  Don's mother passed this world and Don was busy dealing with some of the legal issues related to her death.  We were looking for jobs to help pay off the debt from having to travel to the USA twice within a relatively short period of time.  I found out that the job market is especially difficult in Hot Springs.  Don managed to get  one interview and he was on the phone with one of the biggest trucking recruiters in the USA at the same time that I was on the phone with Pastor Parris Bailey.

The recruiter wanted to send Don to Memphis to begin orientation.  Pastor Parris was asking for us to come to New Orleans to direct a brand new Men's Restoration Ministry that is called, The 180 Center.  The request caught us both off guard, but within minutes we both were super excited to begin a brand new adventure in New Orleans!

That was a little over a month ago....We have both been going full-speed since.  My return ticket to Tanzania came in handy as I have been selling all of our possessions, including our car, generator, and the most difficult item to let go, was my Gibson guitar.  We put it all on the altar of sacrifice again totally believing that God will do awesome things in New Orleans.

Friday was a difficult day as I was saying, "Goodbye" to all of our co-ministers from New Life Outreach.  It is funny that cake is involved in so many of the rituals in Tanzania, even some that would seem sad, especially when we have been in Tanzania for so long.  March would have marked Don's 20th year volunteering at New Life Outreach and my 15 year mark, so we have been with New Life Outreach longer than any of our co-ministers that were at the party Friday.

Pastor Peter Raphael feeding me the first piece of the cake

I have set up a line of communication with Mary's Little Lambs, so that I can continue to help them with school fees and other needs in the future.  I am so proud of them , because they all passed their form four exit exams and are waiting to find out which school the government of Tanzania will place them.

We are so excited to continue as missionaries for the new mission, The 180 Center.  I leave Tanzania tomorrow morning and will be in transit for about 46 hours.  Please pray for my travels.  Pray for every need to be met as we change locations from Tanzania to New Orleans.  This is a huge change, so it will mean lots of set-up needs.  We will need everything, so if you are in New Orleans and have any unused household items or can make a special donation to help us get started.  The official launch date is April 1st, so we only have a few weeks to get everything ready for the list of men that is already forming!  There will be more news after I get to the USA.

The painting was done when Don turned 40.  Yep...I found this while cleaning out our room...had to share it.  He will turn 50 on March 17th!  I can't believe it!!!

We will really miss New Life Outreach and our dear friends!

Thank you for praying for us as we join hands with Victory Fellowship to launch this brand new ministry, The 180 Center.  We thank God for all your prayers and support.  Click here for Victory Fellowship's online giving link. Designate the donation for Don and Mary Bryant   You can also mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you
Our phone in the USA is (816) 730-0600

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January News from the Bryants

Don  preached the roof off of a church in Kibaigwa
   The church in Kibaigwa was started by a former graduate of the New Life Outreach Leadership College.  It is great to see the graduates planting new churches in villages like Kibaigwa, that have a very small percentage of Christians.

Don has been on 2 ministry outreaches in Tanzania, since the last newsletter.  New Life Outreach was in Dongobesh from the end of October till November 8th.  There were huge crowds responding to the Gospel message in Dongobesh.  Thousands were saved, healed, and set free!
The following is a short video clip that Don took in Kibaigwa, that will make your day:  Click on, "Rejoicing in Kibaigwa, Tanzania!"!

Gifts from the pastors of Dongobesh

Don's view on the drive to Kibaigwa

New Life Outreach Leadership College Graduation, December 2014

The last three months have flown by as the ministry in Tanzania was in full-speed.  Don went 3 ministry outreaches as I was in the USA taking care of some issues with my mom.  I spent Thanksgiving Day with my mom and our family in Missouri.  
Uncle Ted and Aunt Rosalie have been so kind to house me and feed me during the time I spent in Adrian
Don and I received an email right before Thanksgiving that his mom's condition had worsened.  He returned to Arusha to begin preparations to join me in the USA.  He took a Qatar flight and 40 hours later was in Kansas City with me and my cousins, Martin and Vicky, who have also been housing us and feeding us.  It took Don about a week to get over the jet lag, then we spent a few days with my mom, before continuing our journey to Hot Springs, Arkansas.
My mom in Adrian Missouri- December 2014
There was a shocking change in Don's mom from when we saw her earlier in the year.  She was bright and able to walk.  It was precious time that we spent with her as she left this earth on December 23rd.  We are thankful that she held on long enough for Don to bring his sister to see their mother.  Pastor Jess Gideon and his sweet wife, Carolyn spent the entire morning with us, as we sang songs and prayed for Barbara.  "Oh the Blood of Jesus" was the last song we sang as she entered eternity.  Family, friends, and the church family came to the memorial service the first Sunday in January.
December 2014
A photo of Don's mom from April 2014
Teddy, chaplain from Hospice, blessed us with Christmas carols and hymns.
Photo from the  memorial service for Don's mother.  Mary and Don Bryant; Dave and Debra Fenimore

Thank You!

Our hearts are so grateful for the loving messages of condolence received as well as all the outpouring of love we have felt.  My cousins Martin and Vicki Bridges have done several airport runs, housed and fed us.  Uncle Ted and Aunt Rosalie Bridges have housed us and fed us.  Glory Barn Church has not only housed us, and Pastor Jess and Carolyn Gideon opened the doors to the church for a memorial service.  There are a number of our friends that gave special offerings over the last few months.  We are humbled by the care and pray that the seeds sown will return back to you 100-fold.  It has not been easy, but your outpouring of love has made this burden bearable.  

There are details that need to be taken care in relation to his mother's death.  The next thing on our agenda is to go back to check on my mom and hopefully get to New Orleans by the end of February.  It is our plan to spend time in New Orleans to get recharged and refreshed as we pray for the wisdom needed to go forward.  These last few months have taken a lot out of us, and we appreciate continued prayers.  Our walk is a walk of faith, so God has assured me that this is all going to come together to show forth His glory. 

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." (Matthew 6:34 MSG) 
God bless,
Mary and Don

Celebrating 15 years of marriage this month, we have overflowing hearts that reach towards the One who keeps us.  Our Good Shepherd leads us each step of the way! 

We thank God for all your prayers and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated. Click here for Victory Fellowship's online giving link. Designate the donation for Don and Mary Bryant   You can also mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you

Our phone in the USA is (816) 730-0600

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Tale of Two Countries

It has been nearly a month since I have said a hard goodbye to Don.  We have declared grace during this season of being apart.  I have been in the USA dealing with some challenges with my mother.  I had gotten reports from several people, that she needed help.  I have managed to create an organized filing system for all of her important stuff...whew! Please pray for the impartation of Divine wisdom, as I pray about the next steps.

Don continues with the busy schedule in Tanzania.  There was a crusade in Kishapu, as well as a ministry trip to Bukene.  The photo is a drawing outside of a school in Bukene. 

From Don:

"We just returned from a leadership seminar that we did in the Nzega region.  Gerald Dome, a former graduate, gathered 130 leaders together for the 4 day seminar.  Paul Troquille, Reggie Moffet, and I taught 19 different sessions on a variety of topics.  I focused on Intimacy and Worship.  The Holy Spirit showed up!  We had a great time and it was an awesome time of equipping.  Immanuel Nkongi did a whole lot of translating and Ronnan Moffet took loads of great photos. 

On the last day, 1 of the former students gave Paul a chicken, which we couldn't refuse, and at the same time, couldn't bring it back to Arusha.  An old woman refused to take the chicken as a gift and a little later we attempted to give it to an old man.  (I think they thought we were up to something, so they were afraid to take the chicken.)

We finally found a very poor young couple that were very happy to take the free chicken!!!

We are leaving to go to the next crusade tomorrow morning, to Dongobesh.
In Christ,

Don said that had to go into the bowls of the earth to fix something in the water tank...Really love his faithful heart of service.

This was what the water looks like when our water tank is empty.

Aurora popped by Arusha for one day.  Don got to see her, before He and the team left for Dongobesh.

Mary's Little Lambs graduation from form 4

I wish I could have been there to see them.  I know I would have cried....I did Skype them and let them know that I miss them.  They still have to take the big test to determine if they go on to form 5 or not.  Pray for Lillian, Amani, Samweli, and Caleb.

The Lord reminded me that we are never to let our present circumstances keep us from pressing into the fullness of His promises.  What He promised is more real than what we see!!!
  Romans 4:19-21 is a good example of this.  Abraham didn't let go of the promise of God, even when it seemed impossible.  He was fully convinced that what God promised, He was able to bring to pass!

We thank God for partnering with us in prayer and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Massive Boabab tree

Where's Don?

Find Don, then you will see just how massive this tree is.
The tree in the photo, is from the ministry trip to Kishapu,  Don just returned Tuesday.  I am so happy that he is in Arusha!
Phillip Baker, was the guest speaker in Kishapu

Mary's not so Little Lambs graduation cake!

These young people mean so much to me.  I had a small party with cake to celebrate their completion of form 4.  They take the National exams in November, but I will be in the States, so I wanted to celebrate before I leave.

The last few weeks, I have been very busy training Lizzy.  She is the one that will take care of the office while I am in the States.  She has been learning very quickly.  I am so thankful that she is willing to work hard.  What an awesome answer to prayer!
Lizzy Fisher

This is just a short video compilation, that I thought you would enjoy.

Don snapped this beautiful shot on the way to Dongobesh

We thank God for partnering with us in prayer and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you

Monday, September 15, 2014

My Soul Thirsts for You

Don and the team have been in Kishapu, since Saturday.  Kishapu is a dry place, with challenges to have water. they have to dig for water.  Psalm 63:1,  comes to mind:  "  O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; My soul thirst for You;  My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water."  

Please pray for the ministry in Kishapu.  Don and the team are already there getting everything ready for Wednesday.  He said there are some really strong winds blowing.  Pray that the winds do not cause problems.  Pray for Dr. Egon and Hannah Falk as they travel tomorrow.  

Water is a precious commodity in Tanzania

There is a lot of hard work that goes into us having water.  The photo is just one of many of those steps.  Don is climbing up to the 10,000 liter water tower, located where we live and work.  He is checking to make sure the water is properly pumped up to the water tank.

There is a water well about a mile away.  That is where we get our water.  It is a lot of work.  It has to be pumped into a smaller water tank, that is brought, by truck to our compound.  Then, it is pumped to a lower storage tank.  Finally, pumped to the large tank in the photo.  

Unplanned trip to the USA

I received news, that has me making an unplanned trip to the States.  I am busy making preparations at New Life Outreach.  It is lots of work to train others to do the work I have been doing for 15 years.  I am making accounting tutorials, and budgets to cover the time I am not going to be here.

This is not easy.  I have to take care of some very important matters.  I have planned to stay for a little over 3 months.  Don needs to stay in Tanzania.  This will be the first time that Don and I will be apart for this long of a period of time.

God is not surprised, even though I feel a bit unprepared.  It will be a stretch on our finances during this time.  Pray for supernatural provision to come in, during this three month period.  We will need an extra $400 a month to cover expenses during this time.  

It has been a challenge to stay at peace during the storms of this season, but He is FAITHFUL!  I have been holding on to words that the Spirit has spoken to my heart.  This is what I felt to share:

Hold on tight to every word that God has spoken to your heart. Don't be discouraged in the crucible of time. Time only brings maturity to possess the promise in a way that gives glory to God!
"For the vision is a witness for the appointed time, a testimony to the end; it will not disappoint. If it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late." (Habakkuk 2:3 NABRE)

 I just celebrated my 51st birthday.  Don brought me to Blue Heron.  
I had birthday pancakes!  It doesn't take much to make me happy.  

We thank God for partnering with us in prayer and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Challenges and memories!

Today started with the Ice Bucket Challenge.  It is all for a good cause, to raise awareness to ALS.  I should get extra points for this.  It is still cold.....  I sent the challenge out to other missionaries past and present of New Life Outreach.  Feel free to laugh!

This week has been a week of challenges and memories.  5 years ago I had both of my knees replaced.  It is amazing to see how much I can do without pain now.  I still lead fitness classes, and was asked to train one person privately who has multiple challenges.

The day I had my surgery, was also the day that Don Bryant's dad passed away.  He has a resemblance to the late Jefferson Parrish Sheriff Harry Lee.  Harry Lee had refrigerator magnets that he gave away.  We have a few, so I made a collage of Don's Dad and the magnet.  

Maswa for Jesus!

Don and the team took off for  Maswa Saturday.  The last time New Life Outreach was in Maswa, there was a demonic storm that tore through the ministry site and destroyed multiple thousands of dollars worth of equipment.  It is time to take back what the enemy took.  We claim Maswa for the Kingdom of God!

Have a great week!
God bless,
Mary and Don

We thank God for partnering with us in prayer and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Declaration of Divine Protection

The news of the week in Arusha, was a bit unsettling.  The report came Saturday,  from The Daily News, that there are snipers loose in Arusha shooting, women.  There have been 5 women shot in the last week.  One killed, one in critical condition, and 3 others wounded.  The shooters are targeting women, who are driving alone in cars.  (This report was in the local paper.  The local security company has dismissed the threat, calling it just a coincidence of shootings that took place over a short time.)

There are so many things happening in the world, that are so hard to understand, but I want to make it clear.  We have a BIG GOD!  He did not fall off of His throne. 

Verse one of Psalm 91, talks about the secret place of the Most High.  How awesome is that?!  God has a place that we can go, that the enemy can't go.  Our problems can't go.  It is just me and Him!  It is a place of true peace and joy.  Everything can be going crazy, but it is safe and calm.  

Jesus knew what that place was.  Remember what He was doing when his disciples were freaking out on the boat, during the storm???? Jesus was asleep!!!!  Exactly what He is asking us to do right now.  Rest in His care.   

We can trust Him!  He holds us in every season of our life.  Nothing happens, that He is not aware.  Trust His leadership.

The news is loaded with reasons to fear.  The enemy wants to cause us to be afraid.  The moment we give into fear, is the moment we tie the hand of God.  Fear and faith cannot work together, so it is important to take authority over every fearful thought.  Fear cannot rule us.

Father God cares so much for us, that He commands His angels concerning us.  Angels are powerful beings created by God.  They are ministers of flame sent to help us, and sometimes even pass on messages from God.

Take a moment to focus on how powerful our God is.  I heard someone say something a few weeks ago. It stuck with me.  He said that if God has ever intervened in your life in the past, you have no grounds for panic during this present trial.  Wow!  What has God done for you?  He is still faithful!!!!  He didn't change His mind about you.  He really does care!

Amani and Lilian Baptized!

It has been 4 years since I began to disciple Mary's Little Lambs.  Lilian and Amani asked to be baptized in water. That is exactly what we did Friday last week.  It was a holiday from school, so we turned it into a party!  Such an honor!

Prayer Needs:

1.  Don and the team leave for Maswa Saturday morning.  Please pray for them.  The ministry starts on August 19th.  
2.  Pray for peace to return to Arusha.  

This photo was taken in Bariadi.  Don said that he was stuck in the rock for 127 seconds and used his strong stomach muscles to move the rock to escape...he is a riot.

We thank God for partnering with us in prayer and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

An easy and secure way to give!
We are not able to send a tax credit through Paypal gifts, but God will surely reward you