Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Declaration of Divine Protection

The news of the week in Arusha, was a bit unsettling.  The report came Saturday,  from The Daily News, that there are snipers loose in Arusha shooting, women.  There have been 5 women shot in the last week.  One killed, one in critical condition, and 3 others wounded.  The shooters are targeting women, who are driving alone in cars.  (This report was in the local paper.  The local security company has dismissed the threat, calling it just a coincidence of shootings that took place over a short time.)

There are so many things happening in the world, that are so hard to understand, but I want to make it clear.  We have a BIG GOD!  He did not fall off of His throne. 

Verse one of Psalm 91, talks about the secret place of the Most High.  How awesome is that?!  God has a place that we can go, that the enemy can't go.  Our problems can't go.  It is just me and Him!  It is a place of true peace and joy.  Everything can be going crazy, but it is safe and calm.  

Jesus knew what that place was.  Remember what He was doing when his disciples were freaking out on the boat, during the storm???? Jesus was asleep!!!!  Exactly what He is asking us to do right now.  Rest in His care.   

We can trust Him!  He holds us in every season of our life.  Nothing happens, that He is not aware.  Trust His leadership.

The news is loaded with reasons to fear.  The enemy wants to cause us to be afraid.  The moment we give into fear, is the moment we tie the hand of God.  Fear and faith cannot work together, so it is important to take authority over every fearful thought.  Fear cannot rule us.

Father God cares so much for us, that He commands His angels concerning us.  Angels are powerful beings created by God.  They are ministers of flame sent to help us, and sometimes even pass on messages from God.

Take a moment to focus on how powerful our God is.  I heard someone say something a few weeks ago. It stuck with me.  He said that if God has ever intervened in your life in the past, you have no grounds for panic during this present trial.  Wow!  What has God done for you?  He is still faithful!!!!  He didn't change His mind about you.  He really does care!

Amani and Lilian Baptized!

It has been 4 years since I began to disciple Mary's Little Lambs.  Lilian and Amani asked to be baptized in water. That is exactly what we did Friday last week.  It was a holiday from school, so we turned it into a party!  Such an honor!

Prayer Needs:

1.  Don and the team leave for Maswa Saturday morning.  Please pray for them.  The ministry starts on August 19th.  
2.  Pray for peace to return to Arusha.  

This photo was taken in Bariadi.  Don said that he was stuck in the rock for 127 seconds and used his strong stomach muscles to move the rock to escape...he is a riot.

We thank God for partnering with us in prayer and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003.

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