Saturday, November 23, 2013


This is my 14th year as a missionary in Tanzania-12 years of the 14 years we have spent our Thanksgiving and Christmases here.  Don has been here for 16 of the 18 Christmases since arriving in Tanzania!  There are advantages and disadvantages of being on the other side of the globe for holidays.  
1.  The holidays seem to be very simple here.  There is no commercialism of Christmas, so we don't get bombarded by what we have to buy to make us happy.  There is no expectation for big gift giving.  Small thoughtful and often homemade gifts are the common theme.
2.  There are no big malls in Arusha! 
3.  It is summer here, so it is toasty warm!  Perfect BBQ weather!
4.  All of our friends are like family.  We enjoy and treasure them!  Not by gift giving, but by meals together and fun!
5.  I think living abroad gives us more creativity.  We are forced to think outside of the box!  

1. Very far away from lots of our friends and family.  This can be especially difficult during holidays.  12 Christmases of not spending time with my mom is the most difficult.
2.  Turkey costs nearly $10.00 a pound!  Inflation has doubled the price of turkey the last few years, so we are having chicken this year.
3.  It is the season of power cuts in Tanzania.  This year has been even more brutal than ever.  The last week we have had power less than 25% of the time.
4.  Finding and making special holiday treats can be challenging.  (thankful for a relative that sent pecans!)  I saw Stove Top Stuffing a month ago.  Knew if I didn't buy it then, I would not have it for this week.
5.  Thanksgiving is an American celebration, so it is not a holiday in Tanzania.  We work, so we have to schedule our Thanksgiving meal when we are not busy.

This is the photo from Thursday.  Lillian and Amani are enjoying the Christmas tree I just put up.

These decorations are from all around the world.  I have been given many of them as gifts from friends who know how much I love Christmas!  My mom gave me the Nativity Scene.  It has lots of sentimental meaning!  

Christmas BBQ from last year
We thank God for your prayers and support.  Support in any amount is greatly appreciated.  For tax credit, make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.  Write a note with the check indicating that the donation is for Don and Mary Bryant.  Mail checks to: Victory Fellowship 5708 Airline Dr.Metairie LA. 70003, or on-line giving at this link:  
Make sure to designate the gift for Don and Mary Bryant

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